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Sela el Telak
who told them they looked sexy smoking?
2003-02-06, 12:53 a.m.

I was driving with Tarah today going to Rosedale and out of nowhere this huge long strip of metal fell into the middle of the road, she couldn't change lanes so she tried to avoid it but alas it totally blew out her was very frightening because we were on a major freeway and there were many cars all going very fast and she had to cross two other lanes to get to the shoulder all on a very flat tire. The damn piece of metal took out a bunch of other cars too...I think the person who was responsible for that metal strip should burn in hell. Luckily some highway lady came and changed the tire but it still sucked for Tarah cause she had to go get new threw off our entire day.

Later that night at Stargate....

So I went clubbing right? Well I know it's been a couple of years but I don't remember people thinking they looked cool dancing, smoking, and drinking all at the same time. Being allergic to the smoke did not help my already questionable dancing style. Also there were no attractive guys (to me) there, or at least if they were attractive they either had a really sluttily dressed girl hanging off them or they had a cigarette hanging out of their mouths...either way I wouldn't approach them. I left after a couple of hours because of the smoke which was sad cause I still felt like dancing. By the way I went with Andy and Sarah both of whom totally outdanced me...they both dance sooo good it really put me to shame with my only average skills.

Next time I go I am going to a club I know...which means I hope First Ave still has dance parties.

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