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Sela el Telak
more doom
2003-04-19, 10:02 p.m.

Who lets their 7 year old daughter walk around in public wearing bright fushia lipstick and a lot of masscara?

Today was really rainy and crappy out and I woke up from a not unpleasent dream feeling very doomed. I don't like days that start with impending doom...

So after my family was done with Passover I walked downstairs to find my dad on the computer (on my screenname) looking at I get a hella lot of fucking porn e-mail spam crap and I don't know how to get rid of it....fucking crazy parents.

If my memory wasn't so shot I would tell you about all the funny customers that came into my work today...but I just can't remember more than the guy in pajamas. By the way really fat guys shouldn't walk around in PJ's, it isn't a good look for them. me

back - to the future

My wish list for 2007 - 2006-12-29
blueberry pancakes are lovely - 2006-12-17
karma may be dead, but irony isn't - 2006-11-11
I lived, I learned, it didn't help - 2006-09-09
valium please - 2005-09-01