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Sela el Telak
dirty old ladies
2003-05-28, 6:29 p.m.

I don't know if I'm just too transparent or if I just spend way too much time at work, but man can my co-orkers tell if I'm sad, happy, sad but pretending to be happy, tired, sad but pretending I'm just tired, or normal. Many of them tried to make me feel better today cause I was tired, sad, and bored. Good times...much thanks.

Right before I went home I was slumped over my head cashier stand watching customers walk past when I noticed an old lady walking towards me. As she walked she looked up and to her left and stared. I looked in her direction to see what was so interesting...that dirty old lady was staring at Shane's ass. It was hilarious cause Shane was up on a ladder stocking something and he had apparently been slightly bending over and she was just so preoccupied by his ass she walked into another customer's cart. I doubled up in laughter and immediatly went over to Shane and told him old ladies were checking him out and I pointed her out to him...good times.

back - to the future

My wish list for 2007 - 2006-12-29
blueberry pancakes are lovely - 2006-12-17
karma may be dead, but irony isn't - 2006-11-11
I lived, I learned, it didn't help - 2006-09-09
valium please - 2005-09-01