hosted by

Sela el Telak
set & spike
2003-06-18, 9:14 p.m.

Ahhh I've finally gone GOLD and I'm loving it.

I have been very busy these last two days, yes too busy to update, sad I know.

The stupid stupid stupid doctor took all sorts of blood and pee samples and then refused to give me any sort of medication for my stomach. He's all like..."oh just go on a dairy-free, gluton-free diet. I cried until I realized it meant I have an excuse to eat Thai food for three weeks straight. Today was supposed to be my first day without flour...but Pedge brought me a muffin at work so tomorrow will be day 1 with no gluton.

I went to Sarah's beach party today, that meant that I wore my bathing suit to work...under clothes of course, although I kept thinking how funny it would look to be wearing just the suit and the apron. I wasn't going to chance it on an audit day though. While at the beach Sarah and her friend Jenny were hitting a vollyball back and forth...eventually one of the younger (say 15 or so) guys came up and asked if he could join them. I was sitting a little away talking to Andy and Chris when I noticed and immediatly started laughing. One of the guy's friends walked by and they made some gestures to the like of...way to go man..two hot older the, or however teen-aged suberban white boys talk to eachother. Sarah adn Jenny didn't notice...more laughter on my part and a sudden urge to mock the boy up close and personal. He was so bad he could't hit the ball to anyone and we were standing 6 feet apart. Good times though.

Derek and Jesse backed out of golfing with me tomorrow, but I found a replacement in the last person I ever expected to golf with...I'm hoping it will still be fun.

back - to the future

My wish list for 2007 - 2006-12-29
blueberry pancakes are lovely - 2006-12-17
karma may be dead, but irony isn't - 2006-11-11
I lived, I learned, it didn't help - 2006-09-09
valium please - 2005-09-01