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Sela el Telak
let me have it
2003-08-08, 10:42 a.m.

OK since I'm not stictly a diaryland reader (who really is) when one of the LJ boys did a question thing I asked to play here's my response to his questions.

1) If you met internetsdave what would be your first question you asked him? If he asked you out, what would you respond? (this might take some research)
I read a good portion of his LJ and switched back and forth from being amused to being bored to being kinda uneasy so my first question would be to ask him if he had some sort of dysfunctional childhood. I would probably turn him down if he asked me out, but that is because I usually turn most people down if they ask me out and I haven't already decided I want them. (which comes after hanging out with them at least a couple times)

2) You are approached by God. He will allow you five questions that (s)he will answer without hesitation. What do you ask him/her?
I would first off ask God Where the hell have you been, have you seen what these assholes are doing to the planet...stop sitting on your lazy ass and zap these fuckers into oblivion.
Next I'd ask if God would take me on a guided tour of the entire Universe (however large and unimaginable it might be) so I could know if we are alone (which I doubt) and all those questions man has been searching for concerning space since we discovered it was out there.
Of course I'd have to ask him if I was correct in my theory about my particular purpose in life, and if I wasn't then what the hell was I actually doing here, and if he replied to procreate I'd punch him in the nether regions.
Next I suppose I would ask him if it really was creation vs evolution...just to shut everyone up.
Finally I'd ask him if the whole religion thing was serving a purpose for the weakness of the human mind, or just a nice ego trip for him.

3) You are allowed one physical attribute you can change at will, anytime, any day. What part do you choose? Aka, hair, eyes, skin color, etc.
Well I would change my skin (not color) but skin itself. In that way I could make myself look like whoever I wanted to. Unless you consider that cheating, if you do I guess I would change my hair.

4) What is one thing you would change about men? Rather what is one thing that you've stereotyped men as being or doing that you would change? Explain why? Explain what purpose you think it serves for men.
I guess I stereotype men as being callow. I say that because there hasn't been a man I've met yet that wouldn't, if given the right circumstances, give in to his "desires" if a hot little thing (or sometimes a fat, nasty thing) walked up and offered herself to him. They also give in easier to peer pressure and even super unattractive guys try to hold out for pretty girls...which is sad. I think men are callow in order to procreate. Long ago when we needed to bang like bunnies to ensure survival it was only natural for men to sleep with as many women as possible, then when women started to outnumber men we decided that if we weren't allowed to sleep with as many men as we wanted then why should they, but it was already a part of their nature to bang anyone they could so it will take a long time to train them out of it.

5) What is your biggest regret? What do you think you would have changed about that situation? How would you life be different now if it was changed?
I don't really have many regrets...I guess maybe I wouldn't have fulfilled the promise to Chris. Yes that is my biggest regret. Um I don't know exactly how different my life would be, but I would probably feel a little better about myself.

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