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Sela el Telak
the repellant does nothing
2003-06-09, 9:17 p.m.

Yesss! Finally. I gots to get me a gold membership just so I can update whenever I please.

I remembered everything I was going to write about yesterday two minutes after I signed off. Now I think I forgot again.

I wrote to my govenor the other week to complain about the heinious crimes against all the peoples north of Minneapolis. See the state has decided that they don't need to spray mosquito controlling/killing chemicals anywhere north of the big city because we are obviously not rich enough and ergo not important enough to bother trying to protect from horrible tropical diseases like West Nile. Instead everyone of us northerners must go out and buy large quantities of enviromentally harmful chemicals that keep your yard mosquito free and spray them into our ecosystems/backyards so we don't die. There are tons and tons of mosquitos everywhere now, I have been bitten many times just walking from my car to various buildings. Bug spray does nothing. Whores...and of course in typical political fashion I was ignored. Something must be done. Someone must pay. Somewhere, justice will prevail.

Today while I was helping two slightly confused, yet not that bad looking, men I heard something that actually shocked and confused me. (Please no jokes about how I get easily confused) They had some fuel cells (they are used like batteries for power tools) and when they found out they were $13 each one of them turned to me and said..."I can't believe how jewish that is." I stared at him, and had I not been working would've loudly gone off on him about religious slander and how as a Jew I took that very offensivly. Instead I just turned away and tried to figure out how that can even be used as a degrogatory term for something being expensive or however he meant it. I never hear people going around saying how Jesus something is or how Christian or how Buddist or how Islam or whatever the many other religions are. I just don't get people.

On a slightly more humerous note I remembered something. I was at work yesterday and I didn't get a break for many many hours. When I finally did I bolted for the bathroom, as I had drank two bottles of water during the morning and have a small bladder. I could've cried when I realized that, despite there being a cleaning crew in just that morning, there was in fact no toilet paper in the stall I chose, and I noticed just a little too late. An important lesson was learned that I shall not soon forget, never trust a cleaning crew to actually do anything.

back - to the future

My wish list for 2007 - 2006-12-29
blueberry pancakes are lovely - 2006-12-17
karma may be dead, but irony isn't - 2006-11-11
I lived, I learned, it didn't help - 2006-09-09
valium please - 2005-09-01