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Sela el Telak
Hilarious...don't you just love that word...hi..lari..ous!
2003-08-30, 9:52 a.m.

I think I want to go out and try some extreme sports...I probably never will but right now it sounds like a good idea.

I'm taking yet another photography class and this time I convinced a couple people to model for me so I'm looking foreward to having some really good shots. I just need more locations. I can only think of 4 places and I need to take at least 12 rolls of film so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I got to ride on a moped the other day, now I know my goal was to ride on a motorcycle but this is kinda close. In the sense that they both are on two wheels and open to the sky and whatever, it was a start. Since I was probably clutching the poor guy so tightly due to my extreme mistrust of every other driver on the road I think I'll need to work my way up to a motorcycle gradually. But it was long as there were no other cars anywhere near us it was so much fun.

You wanna hear something funny??? I'm taking a karate where we will be learning commands in + karate + NHCC setting = hilarious I'm sure of it.

So much to say, so little to say here.

back - to the future

My wish list for 2007 - 2006-12-29
blueberry pancakes are lovely - 2006-12-17
karma may be dead, but irony isn't - 2006-11-11
I lived, I learned, it didn't help - 2006-09-09
valium please - 2005-09-01