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Sela el Telak
mmm downy goodness
2003-10-27, 7:27 p.m.

I went shopping this weekend...I bought many things, I have this new down blanket and it is so wonderful I constantly want to make out with it cause it is that fluffy and warm. I also decided it was time to retire the blonde and now I join the ranks of people with brown hair, a color I swore I'd never have. I'm still not sure about it so I mostly ignore it and pretend nothing changed.

So Dan and I went to St. Paul for the hell of it today and kinda walked around a bit and then we headed towards brookdale for various reasons one of them to eat at the 50's Grill. I made the mistake of ordering the cajun chicken which was disappointing, but oh well. To make up for the terrible sandwich I had to get the turtle cake again. Then we had fun with the digital camera, except the girl with the poodle skirt wouldn't let me take a picture of her...sad. I didn't even want a picture of her, just her skirt. Then Dan wanted to test drive a sportronic 2003 eclipse so we went to the rudest mitsubishi dealership ever and I couldn't even stand to go along on the test drive cause the salesguy was so mean. I sat in the car and mentally wished death on everyone who worked there. After that I decided I wanted to drive Dan's car so I dragged him out to the back roads of Dayton where I apparently suck at driving a stick although I thought I wasn't doing that bad for my limited skills. Then we somehow took a wrong turn in St. Michael and ended up in Buffalo. It was crazy. 3 hours later we made it back home where I had to pee so bad it hurt. Good times.

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My wish list for 2007 - 2006-12-29
blueberry pancakes are lovely - 2006-12-17
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