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Sela el Telak
best days ever.....
2003-09-14, 12:58 a.m.

Everyone's had so many good days so many bad days but when everything is said and done most people prefer to remember the good days. Of course the best day ever keeps changing. It's hard to remember way back but think about how when you were young a good day was when your mom brought you to the zoo or something. Now it takes a little more than that to put a smile on people's faces.

My best day ever used to be the day I made my first best friend back in first grade. Then it was when I won my first soccer game, the day I won my first baseball, volleyball, basketball game...the day I got to spend the whole time with my cousin Allie, the day we went to the one park and did all the stuff and whatever, then it was the day I got to declare my freedom from the evil french horn I used to play, the day I could have my friend sleep over or I could go there, then it was the day I got my first kiss, the day I met the first boy I really really liked, the day me and Benny walked home in the snow, the day I met the boy I knew would be my first, the day I got my babies (my two cats), the day I got my license, the day I pushed him too far and I was justified in my earlier assumption of his role in my life, the day Jessica moved in, the day he succumbed to my charm and agreed to be "mine", the day I graduated, the day I got my baby (my celica), the day Benny and I started talking again, the day she taught me how to shop, the day I was finally free, the day I went on my first real date, and now the best day ever was last monday.

What's your best day ever?

back - to the future

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